- How to clone a JavaScript backend Mobile Service
- 7 Tools That Bring Cross-Platform Languages into Visual Studio
- Application Insights Telemetry in Glimpse
- Using Certificates in Azure Websites Applications
- Refactoring Code to Load a Document
- Web Development starts here! - 8 tutorials for Elementary and High schools students
- Updateing the .NET target framework for many projects
- No Excuse For Not Developing For Windows Phone
- Building Stateful Services with Azure Service Fabric
- You suck at TDD #1: Rewrite the steps
- You suck at TDD #2–Mocking libraries
With this blog I will try to post observations from all sorts of topics. These observations are just my interpretations of what I read, see, hear or do. Some may agree some may not, but hopefully it will spark good conversation.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Links of Interest 12_18_2015
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Links of Interest 12_10_2015
- Future of Web Design – Watch out for these 7 Trends
- Brainstorming development workflows with Docker, Kitematic, VirtualBox, Azure, ASP.NET, and Visual Studio
- An 'XCOM' game in Excel beats playing with spreadsheets
- StructureMap
- Announcing PowerApps with Azure App Service
- What Developers Need To Know About Docker
- RazorTemplates
- 3D Game Engine for Android, iOS, and .NET
- DreamSparking a HTML5/JS Game From Start to Finish
- When Should You Use A Single Page Application?
- ASP.NET 5 and .NET Core RC1 in context (Plus all the Connect 2015 News)
- Announcing PowerApps with Azure App Service
- RFC: Server-side Image and Graphics Processing with .NET Core and ASP.NET 5
- The 5 Laws of Software Estimates
- An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript for C# Developers
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Links For 11_17_2015
- Getting Started with Docker Toolbox and Compose
- Migrations from global.asa
- Azure Cloud Load Testing Made Easy
- Managing DbContext the right way with Entity Framework 6: an in-depth guide
- A Fresh Coat Of REST Paint On A SOAP Stack
- Cadru
- S.P.E.C.I.A.L. - Fallout 4's perks list and character stats detailed
- SPECIAL / Build Calculator
- Throwing Exceptions and Keeping the Stack Trace
- Using Chain Of Responsibility Instead of if/else Statement
- Using Redis as a Service in Azure to speed up ASP.NET applications
- Continuous Delivery with TFS / VSO – Start of a New Journey
Friday, November 06, 2015
Links For 11_06_2015
- ASP.NET Identity with Azure Storage Table
- Barbaric Tip of the Week: Improve Your Visual Studio Web Dev Fu With Web Extension Pack
- Create more secure apps with less effort (10 by 10)
- Markdown in your MVC 6 Razor Pages
- An Introduction to the new TFS/VSO Build System
- Extensions by Mads Kristensen
- Visual Studio Time Saver– Setting and creating themes
- Generic UI Testing with Coded UI – Day 27 – Visual Studio 2015
- HttpRequester and in-memory Web-API testing
- Peasy.NET
- Requester
- Integrating Visual Studio Code with dnx-watch to develop ASP.NET 5 applications
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Links For 10_14_2015
- Announcing the ASP.NET WebHooks Visual Studio Extension Preview
- Introducing ASP.NET WebHooks Receivers - WebHooks made easy.
- CSS Multi-Level Accordion Menu
- Creating a CSS Sliding Background Effect
- Windows 10 Development for Absolute Beginners
- Docker: Containerize your Startup – Your journey from virtualization to Containerization (Part 4)
- Inside Azure File Storage
- How to break your site with a content security policy: an illustrated example
- Getting NUnit Test Parameters From a File (or Other Source)
- Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Your web app doesn't need 64-bit
- Prediction Markets for Software Estimates
- 31 Days of Visual Studio 2015 Tricks and Treats
Thursday, October 01, 2015
Links for 10_01_2015
- Windows 10 development for absolute beginners
- AzureCon Keynote Announcements: India Regions, GPU Support, IoT Suite, Container Service, and Security Center
- Azure File Storage, now generally available
- New Azure Container Service to bring together Mesos, Docker and Azure cloud
- On a Cloud: Data Processing
- Setting IHostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment as True in an ASP.NET 5 Application
- Speeding up Application Development with Bootstrap
- Bootstrap 3 Tips and Tricks You Might Not Know
- Whipping File Inputs Into Shape with Bootstrap 3
- The 10 Most Common Bootstrap Mistakes
- Better Density and Lower Prices for Azure’s SQL Elastic Database Pools
- Sending WebHooks with ASP.NET WebHooks Preview
Friday, August 28, 2015
Links for 8_28_2015
- Create a Web API in MVC 6
- Docker: Containerize your startup!
- Moving to VS 2015 from VS 2013
- Microsoft Azure Developer Reference
- 50 Free Books for Web Designers & Developers
- If Unit Tests Were Seinfeld Characters
- Building A Component-Based Web UI With Modern JavaScript Frameworks
- The Zen of Code Reviews: Best Practices
- Announcing Windows Server 2016 Containers Preview
- FAKE It Till You Make It
- IdentityServer3
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Links for 8_18_2015
- Cloud-Connected Mobile Apps - Create a Web Service with Azure Web Apps and WebJobs
- Experiences from using existing projects within VS2015
- How to use JetBrains Annotations to improve ReSharper inspections
- 7 C# Interview Questions
- New features of C# 6
- Chess TDD 45: Onward with En Passant
- A Complete Guide to the MVC 6 Tag Helpers
- Apt-Get for Windows - OneGet and Chocolatey on Windows 10
- Use Fluent Builders In Your Tests – C#
- My favorite Visual Studio 2015 Extensions
- TDD best practices
- A Complete List of Microsoft Azure Tools
- Behaviour Driven Development Overview Part 1 – Ubiquitous Language
Monday, August 03, 2015
Links 8_3_2015
- Dependency injection in ASP.NET 5
- ASP.NET 5 and CSS bundling: Fixing image paths
- Structuring Views in ASP.NET MVC to Centralize Logic
- Upgrading a Real-World MVC 5 Application to MVC 6
- Visual Studio 2015, ASP.NET 4.6, ASP.NET 5 & EF 7 Previews
- Convert HTML to PDF files
- Top VS2015 Extensions: C# Essentials
- Getting Started with Windows 10
- Chess TDD 43: Pawns Good to Go
- Chess TDD 44: Starting the Climb toward En Passant
- Advanced Page Object Pattern in Automation Testing
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Links for 7_14_2015
- New ASP.NET 5 Project from Scratch with Visual Studio 2015
- Attain Code Management Nirvana via Test-Driven Development
- Introducing Web Tiles for Microsoft Band - My diabetes data on a Band!
- Entity Framework extensions for AutoMapper
- 5 Tips For Migrating Web Sites To Azure Web Apps
- FluentBootstrap
- A Complete List of .NET Open Source Developer Projects
- VS Refactoring Essentials (formerly) NR6Pack - Free analyzers and refactoring for Visual Studio 2015
- Chess TDD 42: Finishing up White Pawn Movement
- Should Product Owner attend Daily Scrum meeting regularly?
Tuesday, July 07, 2015
Links of Interest 7_7_2015
- Are You Making These 10 DDD Mistakes?
- Managing Entity Relationship Complexity
- How to do painless TDD
- Chess TDD 39: Dipping a Toe into Complex Piece Movement
- Chess TDD 40: Diagonal Capture for Pawns
- Chess TDD 41: Finishing up White Pawn Movement
- TDD for ASP.NET MVC Part 4: Unit Testing View Model Validation
- Web Developers’ SEO Cheat Sheet 3.0
- Multi Language Design
- Rebooting Database Localization for ASP.NET with West Wind Globalization 2.0
- MVC 6 Image Tag Helper
- Examining Application Startup in ASP.NET 5
- How to ask Bing and Google to Index your Website
- Hey Azure, how's my Web App doing?
- Debugging and Profiling LINQ Queries using Devart LINQ Insight
Friday, June 19, 2015
Links for 06_19_2015
- ChessTDD 37: Cleaning Up and Implementing Rook
- ChessTDD 38: Bishop Tests and Being Wrong about Being Wrong
- Historical Debugging, Profiling, New Diagnostic Tools in Visual Studio 2015
- Embed powerful real-time analytics in your app
- Evolving ASP.NET Apps–Javascript
- Action filters, service filters and type filters in ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6
- An End-to-End AngularJS Guide
- Introducing Source Templates
- Storing Data Securely in Azure Blob Storage with Azure Encryption Extensions
- Handling Bad URLs in ASP.NET MVC
- Project Tracking Website using AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API
- $25 Xbox wireless adapter is perfect for using your controller on a Windows 10 PC
- Dependency Injection in ASP.NET MVC6
Friday, June 05, 2015
Links for 06_05_2015
- C#/.NET Little Wonders: Null Conditional Operator in C# 6
- Ten Awesome Features of Visual Studio Code
- Strongly typed AppSettings Configuration in ASP.NET 5
- Azure App Service: Logic Apps
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Working with the ASP.NET Web API and AngularJS
- Building Responsive Web Sites with Bootstrap
- REST Cheatsheet
- Why to avoid fat controllers
- What's the deal with Windows 10 for the Non-Technical Friend
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Links for Me 5_27_2015
- TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Part 3: Contact Service Class
- ChessTDD 35: Acceptance Tests for Knight Movement
- http://www.daedtech.com/chesstdd-36-acceptance-tests-for-queen-movement
- Where Did My ASP.NET Bundles Go in ASP.NET 5?
- The Simplest Possible ASP.NET Web API Template
- DDD – The aggregate
- Unit Testing OData Web API/Entity Framework Applications
- Setting up Code Coverage in Team City
- Building Mobile Apps with Ionic and Monaca
- Give Your REST APIs Some Metadata Swagger!
- Testing for Exceptions with NUnit
- Single Responsibility Principle
Team City,
Unit Testing,
Friday, May 15, 2015
Links for Me 5_15_2015
- Attain Code Management Nirvana via Test-Driven Development, Part 1
- Oh, CRUD … It's Test-Driven Development for ASP.NET MVC, Part 2
- SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 1: introduction with code to be improved
- SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 2: Single Responsibility Principle
- SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 3: the Open-Closed principle
- SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 4: the Liskov Substitution Principle
- SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 5: the Liskov Substitution Principle 2
- SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 6: the Interface Segregation Principle
- SOLID principles in .NET revisited part 7: the Dependency Inversion Principle
- Page Object Pattern – Design Patterns in Automation Testing
- Advanced Page Object Pattern – Design Patterns in Automation Testing
- Facade Design Pattern – Design Patterns in Automation Testing
- Fluent Page Object Pattern- Design Patterns Automation Testing
- DDD revisited
- DDD applied
- DDD – Special scenarios, part 1
- DDD – Special scenarios, part 2
- ChessTDD 34: Specflow for Pawn Movement
this helped solve a work issue and Dan Miser wanted me to include it.
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
Links of Interest 5_6_2015
- Visual Studio Code
- ChessTDD 31: Look, We Caught a Bug!
- ChessTDD 32: Squashing a Subtle Bug
- ChessTDD 33: Scenario Housekeeping
- One API, Four Frameworks: The Great .NET ReST Showdown
- Build Keynote
- I'm hooked on test-driven development (TDD)
- Building a Comparison Grid in ASP.NET MVC
- DDD applied
- Object Oriented, Test Driven Design in C# and Java: A Practical Example Part #5
- Azure Powershell: Azure Websites for the command line junkies! – Part 1
- 8 Resharper shortcuts everyone should know
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Links of Intrest 4_21_2015
- An introduction to the ASP.NET 5 Generic OAuth Provider
- Using Basic Authentication in ASP.NET WebAPI
- DDD revisited
- Step by Step implementing Onion architecture in ASP.NET MVC Application
- Making your API behave like the big boys
- Developing Cross-platform 2D Games in C# and CocosSharp
- SpecFlow Extensions for Azure Storage Emulator
- 30 Days of Bootstrap with the MVC Framework - Revisited
- Build Your First Hybrid Mobile App With Visual Studio 2013, AngularJS, Ionic, And Adobe PhoneGap
- Orchestrating massive parallelisation of Azure WebJobs for fun and profit
- Chess TDD 30: Starting To Be Idiomatic With SpecFlow
Friday, April 10, 2015
Links of Interest 4_10_2015
- How to get your SSL for free on a Shared Azure website with CloudFlare
- Protecting ASP.NET Applications Against CSRF Attacks
- Queryable Services
- Web API Documentation Tools
- Your First Angular Project in Visual Studio
- Azure Mobile Services and APIs – RESTful and Custom
- Introducing Azure Resource Explorer for the Azure Resource Management APIs
- Changing the server time zone on Azure Web Apps
- Unit testing with Dates
- Clean Tests
- ChessTDD 29: Finishing up the ASCII Board Builder
Thursday, April 02, 2015
Links of Interest 4_2_2015
- Climax.Web.Http
- The Kudu Debug Console, Azure Websites best kept secret
- A Dev and Test Adventure on #Azure
- Unstructured Blob Storage (Building Real-World Cloud Apps with Azure)
- How to make a Windows Store game with C# and XAML, part 2
- Solution: Little Puzzlers–Is tree a Binary Search Tree?
- ChessTDD 28: Preparing for Idiomatic SpecFlow
- Building Distributed Cloud Apps With Azure WebSites, WebJobs And Azure Service Bus Topic
- Introducing Azure API Apps
- Introducing the Azure API Apps Tools for Visual Studio 2013
- Improve your SpecFlow scenarios with custom step argument transformations
Friday, March 20, 2015
links 3-20-2015
- What I Learned from Learning about SpecFlow
- Storing Your Secrets in Azure Websites App Settings
- Managing Web Sites from Web Sites using the Windows Azure Management Libraries for .NET
- ChessTDD 27: Parameterized Acceptance Tests and Scenarios
- Paging in ASP.NET Web API: Using HTTP Headers
- Using Azure Storage API in an ASP.NET MVC Application
- Securing Web.API Requests With JSON Web Tokens
- Design Patterns: The Command Pattern
- Pickles - The Open Source Living Documentation Generator
- Getting Started with TypeScript – Classes, Types and Interfaces
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Interesting Links 3-10-2015
- Introducing NUnit.Specifications
- Azure SQL as the Backbone to Azure Mobile Service
- Accessing the Bing Maps REST services from various JavaScript frameworks
- Should bugs be user stories
- A Web Game in an Hour
- Using FontAwesome Fonts for HTML Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
- BeckDesignRules
- Clean Tests: Isolating the Database
- Object Oriented, Test Driven Design in C# and Java Part 1
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Interesting Links 2-26-2015
- ChessTDD 26: At Last, Acceptance Tests
- Using Windows Azure Mobile Services in ASP.NET MVC
- Azure Blob Storage Part 6: Blob Properties, Metadata, etc.
- Reliable database tests with Respawn
- Javascript Design Patterns
- Azure: Machine Learning Service, Hadoop Storm, Cluster Scaling, Linux Support, Site Recovery and More
- ntroducing ASP.NET 5
- NuGet Package of the Week: A different take on ASP.NET MVC Forms with ChameleonForms
- ChameleonForms Documentation
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Links 2-17-2015
- Visual Studio Time Savers
- ASP.NET Identity 2.1 with ASP.NET Web API 2.2 (Accounts Management) – Part 1
- JavaScript Has Won: Run Flash with Mozilla Shumway and Develop Silverlight in JS with Fayde
- NuGet Package of the Week: A different take on ASP.NET MVC Forms with ChameleonForms
- Authorization As a Service,the coolest thing for LOB
- FizzBuzz TDD kata– using Reactive Extensions
- TDD Practice: Parsing Data from a Service
- ASP.NET 5 and AngularJS Part 1, Configuring Grunt, Uglify, and AngularJS
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Interesting Links 1-28-2015
- SpecFlow v2 - progress
- ChessTDD 25: Yak-Shaving with a visit to trusty old ExtendedAssert
- Increase Your Conversion Rates With These 7 Landing Page Must Have's
- Design Patterns: The Simple Factory Pattern
- Design Patterns: The Strategy Pattern
- Design Patterns: The Facade Pattern
- Design Patterns: The Adapter Pattern
- Design Patterns: The Decorator Pattern
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Interesting Links 1-14-15
Some more interesting things from around the web of software development.
- ChessTDD 24: Cleaning Up for Acceptance Testing
- Introduction to REST and .net Web API
- Azure Mobile Services: The story of the real application
- Project Tracking Website using AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API
- REST : A Simple REST framework
- Automating Windows environments’ setup with Boxstarter and Chocolatey packages
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Interesting Links
- Creating Your Solution and Your Azure Mobile Service
- Connecting Windows/Windows Phone Apps to Azure Mobile Service
- Updating the Data Model with Azure Mobile Service
- Top 10 Things Every ScrumMaster Should Be Doing
- Chess TDD 23: Yak-Shaving with SpecFlow
- Using the Strategy Pattern to Reduce Complexity in Your JavaScript
- Using Entity Framework with an Existing Database: User Interface
- Part 4: Azure Mobile Services: What you need to know about Authentication and Authorization
- Part 5: Azure Mobile Service: What you need to know about Backend Server Scripts and Scheduling
- Not using JavaScript Promises? It is time to make the change.
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