- handling-multipart-requests-with-json-and-file-uploads-in-asp-net-core
- corsdotnet
- enabling-cors-in-asp-net-core
- an-early-look-at-reporting-api-in
- cancellationtokens-and-aborted-asp-net-core-requests
- asp-net-core-2-2-api-analyzers
- using-scrutor-to-automatically-register-your-services-with-the-asp-net-core-di-container
- i-didnt-understand-why-people-struggled-with-nets-async
- adding-decorated-classes-to-the-asp.net-core-di-container-using-scrutor
- building-a-cachedrepository-in-aspnet-core
- simple-paging-in-asp-net-core-razor-pages
- customizing-aspnetcore-02-configuration
- http-repl-tool-to-test-web-api-in-asp-net-core-2-2
- customizing-aspnetcore-06-middlewares
- faster-frontends-in-asp-net-core-2-2-api-analyzers
- net-core-opinion-5-deployment-scripts-and-templates
- the-dangers-and-gotchas-of-using-scoped-services-when-configuring-options-in-asp-net-core
- aspnetcore-2.1
- HowToSetUpASPNETCore22HealthChecksWithBeatPulsesAspNetCoreDiagnosticsHealthChecks
- AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks
With this blog I will try to post observations from all sorts of topics. These observations are just my interpretations of what I read, see, hear or do. Some may agree some may not, but hopefully it will spark good conversation.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
links 12/19/2018
Still trying to catch up so here are links on dotnet core.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
links for 12/18/2018
Today will focus on Azure
- PennyPinchingInTheCloudDeployingContainersCheaplyToAzure
- seamless-a-b-testing-deployment-slots-and-dns-rollover-with-azure-functions-and-cloudflare-workers
- azureadb2c
- dotnet-new-templates-for-serverless-functions
- turn-your-whiteboard-sketches-to-working-code-in-seconds-with-sketch2code
- azwebappup
- lower-azure-pricing-optimize-costs
- serverless-to-the-max-doing-big-things-for-small-dollars-with-cloudflare-workers-and-azure-functions
- introducing-azure-functions-2-0
- azure-signalr-service-now-generally-available
- microsoft-s-content-delivery-network-is-now-generally-available
- announcing-the-new-app-service-diagnostics-experience
- an-updated-cloud-patterns-and-architecture-course
- azure-70-535-quick-reference-poster
- Azure-Friday/Full-stack-end-to-end-monitoring-with-Azure-Monitor
- keep-calm-and-use-azure-application-insights
- automating-release-notes-with-azure-functions
- major-updates-for-my-building-secure-services-in-azure-course
- deploy-to-azure-app-service-with-no-downtime-by-using-staging-slots
Monday, December 17, 2018
links for 12/17/2018
I haven't blogged in a long time. I am going to try to knock a few out before Christmas.
Today will be all about the fronted and UI.
Today will be all about the fronted and UI.
- react-authentication-app-using-redux-and-sagas-anp
- fullstackreact
- Create-react-app-visual-studio-2017-and-asp-net-core-2-2
- top-5-react-native-courses-for-mobile-application-developers
- react-tutorial-building-and-securing-your-first-app
- how-to-publish-a-blazor-component-to-nuget-gallery
- blazor-0-7-0-experimental-release-now-available
- your-first-blazor-app
- Server-Side-Blazor-Reading-And-Inserting-Data-Into-A-Database-End-To-End
- using-blazor-shared-libraries
- blazor-qa-with-microsofts-daniel-roth
- A-Nicer-Looking-Blazor-Loading-Page
- deploying-a-blazor-application-on-azure
- how-to-perform-crud-operations-using-blazor-with-mongodb
- blazor-getting-started
- integrating-javascript-csharp
- blazor-apis
- a-breakdown-of-blazor-project-types
- Integrating-Stripe-payment-in-with-Blazor-and-ASPNET-Core
- blazor-net-in-the-browser-part-1
- create-an-angular-7-app-with-visual-studio-2017
- get-started-angular-material
- announcing-the-first-stable-release-of-angular-console-the-ui-for-the-angular-cli
- material-dashboard-using-angular-6
- convert-html-to-pdf-using-angular-6
- angular-console-6-beta-2-is-released
- how-to-lazy-load-images-angular-6
- how-to-use-material-design-in-angular-6
- building-a-simple-angular-universal-application-with-asp-net-boilerplate-hero-shop
- how-to-create-angular-apps-with-auth0-and-stackblitz
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
More Catch Up Links for 8 29 2018
- how-to-create-health-checks-in-asp-net-core
- working-with-the-httpclient-class
- dotnetOutdatedHelpsYouKeepYourProjectsUpToDate
- ihttpclientfactory-patterns-using-typed-clients-from-singleton-services
- Implementing-Mediums-Passwordless-Authentication-using-ASPNET-Core-Identity
- under-hood-of-aspnet-core-webhooks
- NETCoreAndDocker
- TheWholeOfWordPressCompiledToNETCoreAndANuGetPackageWithPeachPie
- Introducing-.NET-Core-2.1-Flagship-Types-Span-T-and-Memory-T
- NETCoreCodeCoverageAsAGlobalToolWithCoverlet
- aspnet-core-2-architecture-design
- AltCoverAndReportGeneratorGiveAmazingCodeCoverageOnNETCore
- ExampleCodeOpinionatedContosoUniversityOnASPNETCore20sRazorPages
- using-middleware-to-log-requests-and-responses-in-asp-net-core
- deleting-records-aspnet-core-ajax
- create-your-own-net-core-templates-in-4-easy-steps
- packaging-netcore
Friday, August 24, 2018
Catch Up 9 24 2018
- aspnetcore-webapi-best-practices
- bdd-and-the-four-pillars-of-business-agility
- building-app-using-angular-and-aspnet
- vs-live-unit-testing-nunit
- asp-net-core-todo
- UsingASPNETCore21sHttpClientFactoryWithRefitsRESTLibrary
- a-single-prioritized-list-a-story
- fluent-url
- sharpen-sense-code-smell
- 1-on-1-meeting-tips
- inspiration
- how-to-run-effective-meetings
- 6-meeting-hacks-1-weird-tip-build-trust
- how-to-facilitate-meetings-guide
- product-manager-dev-manager-walk-planning-meeting
- a-successful-git-branching-model
- ASP-NET-Core-and-Web-API-A-Custom-Wrapper-for-Mana
- angular-6-tutorial-full-stack-angular-example-application
- angular-how-to-share-server-side-validation
- Security-in-Angular-Part-1
- centralized-exception-handling-and-request-validation-in-asp-net-core
- angularwithazurestorage
- getting-started-with-angular-console
- every-method-begins-new-code-smells-series
- microservices-aggregates-events-cqrs-part-1-richardson
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Links for 5_23_1018
- Real Browser Integration Testing with Selenium Standalone, Chrome, and ASP.NET Core 2.1
- Eyes wide open - Correct Caching is always hard
- SOLID Design Principles Explained – Dependency Inversion Principle with Code Examples
- The 25 best icebreaker questions for team-building at work
- On Mentorship
- How to run your first meeting as a new manager
- How I First Used Domain-Driven Design
- Sharpen
- Binding RxJS Observable Sources Outside Of The NgZone In Angular 6.0.2
- Azure SignalR Service – Getting started
- Diary Of A Net Developer - Learning React
- CacheCow.Client 2.0: HTTP Caching for your API Calls
- CacheCow 2.0 is here - now supporting .NET Standard and ASP.NET Core MVC
- How to Make a Real-Time Sports Application Using Node.js
- Akka.NET + DI + Testing Considerations
- https://medium.com/@hamedbaatour/build-a-real-world-beautiful-web-app-with-angular-6-a-to-z-ultimate-guide-2018-part-i-e121dd1d55e
Asp.net Core,
Cache Cow Client,
Dependency Inversion Principle,
Team Building,
Visual Studio 2017
Tuesday, May 01, 2018
Links for 5_1_2018
- ASP.NET Core: CRUD With React.js and Entity Framework Core
- HttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core 2.1 (Part 1)
- HttpClientFactory for typed HttpClient instances in ASP.NET Core 2.1
- Adding Cross-Cutting Memory Caching to an HttpClientFactory in ASP.NET Core with Polly
- Adding Resilience and Transient Fault handling to your .NET Core HttpClient with Polly
- Time Blocking for Developers: How to Achieve Flow, Stop Being “Busy”, & Start Being Productive
- SOLID Design Principles Explained – The Single Responsibility Principle (Series)
- SOLID Design Principles Explained – The Open/Closed Principle with Code Examples
- SOLID Design Principles Explained – The Liskov Substitution Principle with Code Examples
- SOLID Design Principles Explained: Interface Segregation with Code Examples
- The Zen of Code Reviews: Review As If You Own the Code
- A Simple Dashboard with ASP.NET Core 2.0, SignalR, Angular 5 and Chart.js
- Starting a fresh Progressive Web App project from scratch with ReactJs,Redux ,Typescript ,TDD and VSCode Debugging
Friday, March 16, 2018
Links for 3/16/2018
- Properly getting into jail (series)\
- Scalable and Performant ASP.NET Core Web APIs: Server Caching
- Using the Azure Key Vault to keep secrets out of your web app’s source code
- Decryption with Azure Key Vault
- Lightweight .NET Core benchmarking with BenchmarkDotNet and dotnet-script
- Setting up Application Insights took 10 minutes. It created two days of work for me.
- IdentityServer4 in simple words: IdentityServer4 with .Net Core (series)
- Technical Debt and the Rewrite-In-Place
- Scalable and Performant ASP.NET Core Web APIs: (series)
- Thinking about microservices? You need DevOps first
- Azure Tips and Tricks Part 101 - Day 1 - An end to end scenario with Azure App Service, API Apps, SQL, VSTS and CI/CD (series)
- Build Your First Planet-Scale App With Azure Cosmos DB
Friday, February 23, 2018
Links For 2_23_2018
- Warden
- Smart Hotel 360
- Serverless Microservice: The API
- Bootstrap 4 Released
- Quick Tips for Better C# Security
- Ditch the Repository Pattern Already
- How you do Anything …
- The 7 Types of Software Developers You’ll (Probably) Work With Someday
- Simple Concurrent Client-Side Processing in ASP.NET MVC with Web Workers and TypeScript
Monday, February 19, 2018
links of 2/15/2018
- Visual Studio Toolbox: SmartHotel360 Demo App Backend Services
- ASP.NET Core – Unit testing IAuthorizationService and dependencies inside of your controller
- PDF Generation in Azure Functions V2
- My Microservices FAQ
- Fun with React: A Quick Overview
- Developing Web Apps with ASP.NET Core 2.0 and React - Part 1
- Developing Games with React, Redux, and SVG - Part 1
- Eric Evans: Practicing Domain-Driven Design
- BDD Done easy – The three levels of BDD
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