Monday, January 03, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all. Hopefully you will have a healthy and fruitful 2011.

This time of year really gives me time to reflect on the things I did in the last year and where I really want to grow my skills in the coming year. In the last year I really focused on MVC.Net for the most part. I also took some time to look into Entity Framework, Silverlight, StructureMap, NCommon, among some hardware concepts like the cloud.

In the coming year I am planning to look into Razor view engine, more jquery, and Nu Get, added functionality of MVC 3, BDD, and DDD. I am also going to learn more about Scrum. I have been doing Scrum in some form for the last 5 years and really think I need to understand it better to make it a more useful tool for working on projects.

Well that is where I plan to take my skills in the next year. Like all plans of course I may hit a crossroads and explore somewhere else.

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